Writing & Publishing Curriculum

Our?Upside-Down Curriculum is designed to prepare writing students like you with a strong foundation to help you prepare for a successful career.

From the very start, you¡¯ll consider the questions; ¡°Who are you as a person?¡± and ¡° Who are you as a writer?¡± Your answers may change throughout your college career as you progress through your courses and accomplish professional experiences. We have a wide variety of writing electives to choose from to tailor your academic experience to your personal interests and the type of writing you want to pursue professionally.

The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including creative nonfiction, the principles of public relations,?magazine publishing, creative writing, video storytelling, journalism, and news writing. Students?gain a deep understanding of writing techniques and processes, as well as a strong understanding of their own storytelling voice. Plus, it emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning, giving you opportunities to engage in applied projects, internships, and professional experiences. From putting together a full edition of a magazine in a magazine publishing course, to completing a team publishing project that could be anything from a podcast series, literary magazine, zine, film script and trailer, or beyond, you¡¯ll graduate with the experience and confidence to launch your career.

Interested in studying abroad for a semester? We¡¯ve designed the curriculum so you can take a semester studying abroad without getting behind on required courses for your major.

Learning Outcomes for Writing & Publishing