Food Tracking

Sodexo focuses on sourcing food with a few different qualities and certifications including:

  • Local: Product is grown and/or harvested within a 250-mile radius of Champlain College
  • Vermont Business: Products sold by a business that is physically OR fiscally based in Vermont
  • Organic: Product has a third-party certification (NOFA, USDA, etc.)
  • All-Natural/Ecologically Grown: Product is grown organically but does not have a third-party certification
  • Fair Trade: Product has a third-party certification (Fair Trade USA, Fair Trade International, Fair Trade Federation, etc.) OR must be verified by documentation on vendor’s website or other similar source
  • Humanely Raised: Must be verified by documentation on vendor’s website or other similar source

Did you know?

Champlain College purchases most of its produce from?Black River Produce. Black River partners with Vermont¡¯s farmers, food producers and chefs to preserve Vermont¡¯s rural identity and its working farms. Champlain is also a member of the?Vermont Fresh Network, a partnership between chefs and farmers.

Get Involved in Sustainable Food Practices

  • student smiling in front of the ozzi reusable container dispenser
    Avoid Using Disposable Dinnerware

    Wondered about those green food containers you¡¯ve seen students carrying around?

    Ozzi boxes?are returnable, reusable food containers. Pay a $5 deposit the first time you get a meal at EATS. When you return the container to one of the automated machines, you receive a token to use for next time. Each container is commercially washed by Sodexo for re-use. We saved approximately 42,000 single-use containers last year!

  • Eat Fresh, Eat Local

    Eat food that is produced, processed or distributed by Vermont companies. Eating locally supports the Vermont economy and reduces energy for transportation.

    Fresh Vending machines are available at locations across campus (Library, Ireland, and Lakeside).

  • Eat Your Veggies

    Eat lower on the food chain by sampling some vegetarian options. Meat production can be energy, resource and pollution intensive.

  • Grow Your Own Food

    The community garden is located beside Rowell Annex and has 27 plots available for individual use by Champlain College community members. Use of the 4′ x 8′ plots costs $20 for faculty/staff, $10 for students, and there is no cost if all produce is donated to the Community Food Shelf.