two students talk and study on the lawn

The Vermont First scholarship provides vital financial support for Vermonters who are the first in their families to attend college.

Over the years, Champlain College has prepared generations of students to become skilled practitioners, effective professionals, and engaged global citizens, all while staying true to our deep roots in Vermont. Our distinctive approach delivers relevant, rigorous, student-centered programs that set the stage for a lifetime of career success. Carrying out this mission requires attracting and supporting talented, curious, and capable students like our Vermont First Generation scholars.

Some first-generation college students have families who support their plans for higher education but lack the means to afford it. Others are under pressure to enter the workforce immediately after high school. For these students, the decision to attend college can be a source of great stress. At Champlain, we are committed to breaking down these barriers and enabling all students, regardless of their financial circumstances, to pursue and achieve their academic and professional goals.

This scholarship not only impacts the student and their future career aspirations but also impacts their family legacy, and in turn, the greater community where they live and work.

Champlain is deeply invested in equipping our students to make powerful contributions in the economic and civic life of Vermont. From the beginning, we have assumed an active role in educating a talented and skilled workforce for Vermont and fostering economic prosperity throughout the state.

Quick Facts:

  • In 2023, our Vermont First Generation scholars benefited from over $1.9 million in scholarship support.
  • Champlain is committed to awarding 80 Vermont First scholarships each year.
  • Since 2012, eligible students have exceeded the number of available Vermont First scholarships.
When I received my acceptance letter, I learned that I had been awarded the Vermont First scholarship. Without it, I may never have chosen Champlain, solidified my career path, or had the opportunity to travel and find my passion.
Dominque Cornacchia
Dominique Cornacchia, Broadcast Media Production

Your gift to the Vermont First Scholarship makes this possible.