Because of you, we can do even more!

At Champlain College, we are Building Better Futures for our students. We want them to be Ready: Ready for Work, Ready for Life, and Ready to Make a Difference.

  • It¡¯s why 90% of our students have successful career outcomes within 6 months of graduation.
  • It¡¯s why our alumni have launched over 1,000 businesses in Vermont.
  • It¡¯s why so many business and community leaders say their very best people are from Champlain College.

Student Scholarships

Students learn best by being exposed to new and unique ways of thinking. To support this, Champlain is committed to having a diverse student body that encompasses global identities and perspectives. In order to make higher education attainable for students of all backgrounds, we created the following scholarships that your gift to the Champlain Fund helps support.

  • You enable New Americans, who are refugee and asylum-seeking students, to change their lives and improve the lives of their family members for generations to come.

    “The New American Scholarship has given me the opportunity to have an education and realize something that I thought was impossible. Champlain has been my home and family, and in the fall, I will move on to the next chapter of my life…my master’s degree.”

    – Ars Sybelle Sambou Bayonne, ’17 // New American Scholarship recipient

    View details about the New American Scholarship.

  • A sense of responsibility; a natural inclination to explore, innovate and lead; and a can-do attitude¡ªa United States veteran brings all this and more to the Champlain College community. Your support honors their service and provides an opportunity for a bright future.

    “My wife and I served in the United States Navy for 10 years. After leaving the military, we decided to go to school and continue our education. It’s hard to schedule for two parents going to school full-time. The Yellow Ribbon scholarship turned this scenario into something doable. We receive a living stipend that makes it possible for us to pursue our education and maintain our family. You have given us an opportunity rather than dead ends.”

    – Timothy Sutton, ’19 // Yellow Ribbon Program and Veterans Scholarship recipient

    Learn More About the Yellow Ribbon & Veterans Scholarship.

  • Cultivating a strong, well-prepared workforce, who will enhance Vermont’s cultural and economic landscape, is vital to the future of our community and the state. With your help, this scholarship makes a Champlain education possible for the best and brightest first-generation college students from Vermont.

    “It is both a privilege and an honor to attend college, especially as the first in my immediate family. The education that Champlain provides allows me to pursue a professional career that I am passionate about. Without the Vermont First Generation Scholarship, I don’t know if I would have been able to attend college at all. I am so grateful for the opportunities I have received.”

    – Stirling Adams, ’19 // Vermont First Generation Scholarship recipient

    Read About the Vermont First Generation Scholarship.

  • Our Single Parent Program scholars exhaust all state and federal assistance available to pursue their education while raising a family. Unfortunately, a significant gap remains. Champlain is committed to bridging that gap. With your help, we can make the dreams of these deserving students come to life and positively impact the future of their families, allowing their children to see college as a real possibility.

    “The Single Parent Program Scholarship changed my life in so many ways. I was here to get all that was possible out of my education and to use it every day to make a difference. You gave me the opportunity to learn about myself, grow professionally and finally work toward my dream.”

    – Fexhije IIazi, ’17 // Single Parent Program Scholarship recipient

    Get the Details About the Single Parent Program.

  • We believe that every qualified student, regardless of their financial circumstances, deserves the benefit of a Champlain College education. Your gift will not only increase educational opportunities available to deserving scholars, but it will enhance the academic experience for the entire Champlain College community¡ª90% of our students receive this scholarship.

    “I received multiple scholarships that made it possible for me to attend Champlain College. Upon hearing the news that I was awarded financial assistance, my mom teared up, saying, ‘They believe in you before you are even there.’ My scholarships bridged the gap, allowing me to finish my degree and graduate with a 4.0 and a full-time offer at my dream job.”

    – Shannon Mitchell, ’16 // Support-A-Student Scholarship recipient

    Read About the Support-A-Student Scholarship.

Study Abroad

At Champlain College, we hope that each student graduates as an engaged citizen with international experience and a global perspective. In true Champlain fashion, we bring this to life with real-world experiences through our Study Abroad program. In fact, more than 50% of our students study abroad each year. The Study Abroad Scholarship makes it possible for all interested and qualified students to participate in this life-changing opportunity, regardless of their financial means.

These scholarships are awarded based on academic merit and financial need. Your support will provide these incredible opportunities to students and prepare them to enter the workforce as global citizens.

Service Learning

Service learning is a teaching method that combines community service with academic instruction, with a focus on critical, reflective thinking and civic engagement. Service learning programs involve students in organized projects with community partners.

These projects address specific partner needs while developing students¡¯ academic skills and sense of civic responsibility. Recently, students volunteered during service learning trips in Uganda and The Gambia.

Service learning is an important part of the Champlain experience, and your support helps students, who would not otherwise be able to, participate in these life-changing opportunities.

Hands-On Work Experience

¡°Learning how to think without knowing what to do is an education half-done.¡±

Champlain College has been preparing its graduates to excel in market-relevant careers since 1878. One of the ways we ensure our students are workforce-ready is by providing them with extensive hands-on opportunities as an integral part of their education. The Champlain Fund enables students to gain valuable real-world experience in many ways, including:

The Champlain Fund enables students to gain valuable real-world experience in many ways, including:

  • Working at one of our Centers of Experience¡ªour on-campus experiential learning centers¡ªwhere they can engage in real-world career experience with the mentorship of trusted faculty and staff. Your support is essential to providing these practical work environments, which include the Center for Community & Social Justice, the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, the Emergent Media Center, and the Leahy Center for Digital Forensics & Cybersecurity.
  • Through our Career Collaborative¡®s close-knit, established relationships with national and international businesses and organizations. These networks shape the skills and qualifications of Champlain¡¯s emerging talent. Our students are the interns of choice at businesses throughout Vermont and beyond, and many are offered full-time employment after graduation. Because of you, more than 90% of our students have the op

Faculty Support

At Champlain, both teachers and students stretch. Dreams start coming to life long before a student¡¯s degree is earned. At the heart of our success is our faculty.

Our faculty are practicing professionals who are 100% dedicated to providing our students with the best possible education. These experts have made their mark in their industries and bring a wealth of passion and indispensable wisdom to every course. They challenge our students¡¯ assumptions, expand their horizons, and show them what they really need to know.

From day one, our faculty¡¯s extensive networks of industry contacts and recruiter relationships put our students on the inside track to rewarding internships, career success, and other meaningful opportunities. As a result, our students emerge from their education as leaders in their profession, and their exceptional capacities reflect the integrity of our award-winning professors and our innovative, hands-on approach to learning.

Your support will ensure that our faculty will also be offered opportunities for professional development and training, to stay current in their fields and continue to deliver a consistently high level of academic excellence.

Innovative Learning Experiences

Providing students with innovative learning experiences is what helps Champlain alumni stand out in the workplace. Your support of the Champlain Fund allows us to invest in a cutting-edge campus environment and unique learning experiences for our students, including:

  • Ensuring our classrooms offer the most current equipment and software.
  • Showcasing thought-provoking exhibits at the Champlain Art Gallery.
  • Providing opportunities to work on groundbreaking projects in our Centers of Experience.
  • Sending students to industry-relevant conferences.
  • Exposing students to different ways of thinking in and out of the classroom.

Office of Institutional Advancement

Miller Center at Lakeside, 3rd Floor
175 Lakeside Ave, 足彩胜负14场, VT 05401
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