Sarah Ramsey Fellows are student leaders from the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship. In addition to being friendly and approachable, these students embody an entrepreneurial mindset and exhibit a genuine passion for entrepreneurism and new venture creation. Each are also familiar with Value Proposition Design and Business Model Canvas.

In addition, Sarah Ramsey Fellows promote entrepreneurism and the entrepreneurial mindset at Champlain, and in the greater 足彩胜负14场 area, through:

  • Class visits to discuss Center work
  • Presentations at Champlain events (including the annual “Let Us Teach” celebration)
  • Attendance at 足彩胜负14场-area entrepreneurship events (e.g. UVM Entrepreneurs Forum, VT Investor Summit)
  • Promoting the CIE at Admitted Student Days and other Champlain events
  • Holding monthly student meet-ups and weekly office hours in the CIE in order to help students with existing businesses or business ideas
  • Helping plan and manage the LaunchVT Champlain pitch competition
  • Assisting with CIE website management and social media accounts
  • Creating and distributes a bi-monthly e-newsletter
  • Assisting with compiling the Center’s annual report

Join The Team!

In recognition of their hard work, Sarah Ramsey Fellows receive a stipend of $500 for each semester of service, and they can participate in the Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization, with annual conference registration and travel expenses paid.

Apply to Become a Sarah Ramsey Fellow
student works on her laptop in the sarah ramsey lab

Meet Our Current Sarah Ramsey Fellows

  • ¡°I am from Scotland and have a passion for entrepreneurship. My hobbies are K-pop dance and watching Anime. I understand the steps to start a business and would love to help or discuss these topics with other students.¡±
    Jenny Caplan, ¡¯22 // Game Art // Scotland

  • ¡°I aspire to be a financial advisor in the future. I¡¯m a friendly person who loves to help people move forward with their ideas.¡±
    Sebastian Govoni, ¡¯23 // Finance // Sandwich, MA

  • ¡°In my free time, I play guitar and take nature photography. I grew up with entrepreneurial parents.¡±
    Sarah Lancaster, ¡¯22 // Management & Innovation // Williston, Vermont

CIE Remote Office Hours

Meet remotely with a CIE student fellow
Get advice on your business idea or business model. Please contact the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship to coordinate a date and time.

Get in Touch

Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Basement, Ireland
Please email us to coordinate a date and time.