Stay in the Loop

Make sure you’re getting our weekly events newsletter, eCalendar.

Keep an eye out during the spring and fall semesters for eCalendar, a weekly email newsletter from the Career Collaborative. It’ll let you know what events are coming up each week, and what InSight milestones they count toward.

InSight 足彩胜负14场ature Events

  • Students chat on stage at Sophomore Summit
    Sophomore Summit

    This annual conference-style event prepares second-year students for career success by helping them create strong application documents and meet their division-specific career coach.

  • A student in front of a spin-the-wheel game looking very excited
    Game of Life

    Our Game of Life event assigns a persona to each student. The game simulates that persona¡¯s life from early adulthood to retirement, students ¡°experience¡± life depending on factors such as career path, marriage, and parenthood.

  • Teacher and student discussing game of life
    InSight FastPass Day

    Dedicated to helping student wrap up their InSight requirements, this mix of workshops and drop-ins help students in a variety of areas.