Updated: 10/3/2023
Commissions currently expire: 1/31/25

First Last Location Email Phone Seal or Stamp ?
Pat Boera Career Collaborative – Garden House boerap@champlain.edu 802-651-5991 YES Staff
Susannah Eriksson ITS Division – Ireland 113C eriksson@champlain.edu 802-865-5441 YES Staff
Linda Goodrum Core Division – Aiken 300 lgoodrum@champlain.edu 802-860-2753 YES Staff
Danielle L’Esperance Compass Student Services – Perry Hall (1st Floor) dlesperance@champlain.edu 802-383-6667 YES Staff
Roland Palmer Institutional Advancement – Lakeside 3rd Floor rpalmer@champlain.edu 802-865-5442 YES Staff
Hannah Puryear People Center – Lakeside 3rd Floor hpuryear@champlain.edu 802-865-5482 YES Staff

If you would like to be added to (or removed from) this list please contact Roland Palmer.