Welcome from Monique Taylor, Provost & Chief Academic Officer

Champlain’s student-centered and professionally focused educational mission has been a constant, but how we enact that vision has evolved over time. Today, our programs purposefully integrate an interdisciplinary educational core with relevant professional studies and cultural experiences to prepare students for meaningful and productive lives in the 21st century.

Champlain’s approach to education is experiential-based, skills-focused, collaborative, and integrative¡ªan approach that we believe prepares our students not only for challenging careers, but also introduces them to the kinds of academic, social, and cultural experiences that will inspire them to be life-long learners and help them achieve their fullest potential.

Never has thinking globally been more important than in our current moment. Our commitment to providing students with multiple experiences and diverse perspectives that inform, and at times challenge, their worldview remains paramount. Each student’s journey at Champlain College is transformative. I invite you to explore Champlain and see first-hand the opportunities and challenges that await.

Monique Taylor
Provost & Chief Academic Officer

provost at the podium

Office of Academic Affairs

Freeman Hall, 3rd Floor
163 S Willard St, 足彩胜负14场, VT 05401
Monday ¨C Friday
9:00 AM ¨C 5:00 PM