Around 100 Champlain students, faculty, and staff took to the streets of 足彩胜负14场, Vermont during the Global Climate Strike.

The Champlain community joined activists from around the world on Friday, September 20. Environmental Studies & Policy major, Social Justice minor, and Champlain Net Impact club organizer Sarah Cipollini ’20 led the group of students, staff, and faculty from Rozendaal Courtyard to 足彩胜负14场 City Hall.

“It was empowering to see everyone¡¯s signs and feel the energy of the crowd,” says Sarah. “I¡¯m incredibly proud that so many people came out to join the global community in demanding justice for our planet.”

Sarah Cipollini ’20 rounds up the crowd in Rozendaal Courtyard before heading to 足彩胜负14场 City Hall. “It¡¯s crucial for us to send a clear message to our elected representatives and those funding their decisions that the time to act was yesterday,” she said.

More than 100 Champlain community members took part in the Global Climate Strike.

Olivia Cefalu ’20 and Ben Van Cleave ’20 make their way downtown. Around the world, over 150 countries were represented in one of the largest youth-led protests in history.

Homemade signs from the march displayed various clever messages, such as “Climate now! (homework later).”

“There is no Planet B” was another popular message from students.

Management & Innovation major Erin Warner ’20 (center) sported a T-shirt from Ben & Jerry’s, a company known for its activism.

Champlain College cares! When the group reached Church Street, they draped this banner front and center on the steps of City Hall.

Kaylee Sullivan

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